Plymouth Township Summer Taxes & Winter Taxes
Any Questions? Contact ATS Advisors Plymouth
Your summer tax bill includes the tax levies for:
- City of Plymouth
- Plymouth-Canton Schools
- State Education Tax (SET)
- Wayne County Regional Educational Service Agency(RESA)
- Enhanced Wayne County Regional Educational Service Agency (ENH RESA)
- Schoolcraft College
- Wayne County Operating
Summer tax bills are due August 10 annually.
Summer Tax Bills are payable through August 10 without penalty. They may be paid at the City Hall counter, placed in the drop box next to the book return at the library, or deposited in the drop box in the City Hall lobby if the counter is closed.
Winter Taxes
Your winter tax bill includes the tax levies for:
- Wayne County Voted Millage
- Wayne County Jail
- Wayne County Parks
- Plymouth District Library
- Huron Clinton Metro Authority
- Detroit Regional Zoo
- Detroit Institute of Arts Museum
Winter tax bills are due February 28 each year.
Winter Tax Bills are payable through February 28 without penalty. They may be paid at the City Hall counter, placed in the drop box next to the book return at the library, or deposited in the drop box in the City Hall lobby if the counter is closed. All tax payments placed in the drop boxes by December 31 will be receipted as paid in the current year.
Additional information is provided on the back of your bill. Please review your tax bill to check the correctness of the information appearing on it. If you receive a bill in error, please return the tax bill to the City Treasurer’s Office. If you are the owner or agent of the property but the name or address information is incorrect, please correct it on the bill and mail it back with your payment. If you need additional information, please call the City Treasurer’s Office at 734- 453-1234, during regular business hours.
Here are the current millage rates.
In addition to paying your tax bill in person on via mail, there are several other options.
Online Payments
You can pay your taxes online via a credit/debit card through the online property information site. There is a convenience fee associated with using this service.
Direct Payment
You may request that your payment be made automatically by completing Direct Payment Enrollment form.
Special Payment Deferments
The State of Michigan has a program that allows certain property owners to defer their tax payments. Information on this program is available on the state’s website. The Step Forward Michigan program also provides property tax assistance.