Which Tax Form is Best for You?

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This tax filing season, get things off to a good start. Make it easy on yourself and let the software you use to e-file select the right tax form for you. Filing electronically is the easiest way to file a complete and accurate return.

Here are some tips to help you choose the right forms:

You can generally use Form 1040EZ if:

  • Your taxable income is below $100,000;
  • Your filing status is single or married filing jointly;
  • You don’t claim dependents; and
  • Your interest income is $1,500 or less.

Note: You can’t use Form 1040EZ to claim the Premium Tax Credit. Nor can you use this form if you received advance payments of the premium tax credit in 2015.

Form 1040A may be best for you if:

  • Your taxable income is below $100,000;
  • You have capital gain distributions;
  • You claim certain tax credits; and
  • You claim adjustments to income for IRA contributions and student loan interest.

You must use the Form 1040 if:

  • Your taxable income is $100,000 or more;
  • You claim itemized deductions;
  • You report self-employment income; or
  • You report income from sale of a property.

Remember, if you e-file you don’t need any paper forms to mail to the IRS.

For help with any income tax question call one of our offices:

Plymouth 734.454.4100, Allen Park 313.388.7180,

Grayling 989.348.4055,   Livonia 734-462-6161,

Madison Heights 248.544.6160, Royal Oak 248.399.7331,

Saginaw 989.782.1985, or St. Clair Shores 313.371.6600

Perform a Deep Security Scan of Your Computer Drives

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The Internal Revenue Service urges all tax return preparers to get off to a clean start this January and perform a security deep scan of their computer drives and devices.

Already in 2016, the IRS is seeing multiple email phishing scams – some posing as the IRS – targeting tax preparers. These scams are designed to steal sensitive information – either the preparers’ passwords for IRS accounts or sensitive taxpayer data stored on computers.

The IRS has teamed up with state revenue departments and the tax industry to make sure you understand the dangers to your personal and financial data. Taxes. Security. Together. We all have a role to play.

The IRS recommends all tax return preparers take the following steps immediately:

  1. Ensure that you and your employees have robust security software that helps block malware and viruses and that it remains turn on and active at all times.
  2. Use the “deep scan” function to fully scour all computer drives and files for any malware or viruses. These bugs can hide in places that a “quick scan” does not search. Perform a deep scan periodically.
  3. Ensure that your security software updates automatically so that it is always up-to-date and on-guard against new and emerging malware and viruses.
  4. Review the security plan for your office and operations. If you do not have a security plan, review a checklist suggested by Publication 4557, Safeguarding Taxpayer Data.
  5. Educate your employees about the dangers of phishing malware, emails and other scams that could lead to malware/virus infections. One phishing email can result in all office computers being hacked for sensitive data.

Ensuring that your computer is free of malware/viruses will help prevent the spread of infections during the filing season when you are in contact with clients and others.

The IRS, states and tax industry have issued a series of Security Awareness Tax Tips for taxpayers. They also urge all tax preparers to share security awareness tips with taxpayers throughout the filing season. Preparers can print and share Publication 4524, Security Awareness for Taxpayers, to help clients take additional steps to protect their personal, financial and tax data online and at home.

For more information about identity theft and what you can do to help combat it, visit www.irs.gov/identitytheft.

For help with any income tax question call one of our offices:

Plymouth 734.454.4100, Allen Park 313.388.7180,

Grayling 989.348.4055,   Livonia 734-462-6161,

Madison Heights 248.544.6160, Royal Oak 248.399.7331,

Saginaw 989.782.1985, or St. Clair Shores 313.371.6600

IRS, States and Tax Industry Deploy New Safeguards for 2016

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Because of improved protections in recent years, the Internal Revenue Service stops the vast majority of fraudulent tax returns using stolen identities. But identity thieves and criminal syndicates continue to persist and evolve.

As the threat has changed, so has the IRS. In a new era of cooperation, the IRS, the states and the entire tax industry came together to identify what additional steps could be taken to better fight identity theft and better protect the taxpayers.

Starting in January 2016, this renewed effort will make for a safer, more secure filing season for taxpayers.

Many changes will be invisible, but they are critical to making sure the IRS can verify the taxpayer and the legitimacy of the tax return before it ever enters into the tax processing system. More than 20 shared data elements will help the software industry and the IRS stop fraudulent returns at the door.

For example, the IRS will receive information from software providers about the duration of time it took to create the return. This will help identify the computer-generated tax returns that are fraudulent and filed in bulk.

The IRS, states and tax industry will share details of any fraudulent schemes they see on a frequent basis so everyone will have the same information and adjust accordingly to provide increased protection to taxpayers.

The most publicly visible aspect of these partnership efforts will be for those taxpayers who prepare their own tax returns using tax software or online products. There will be new procedures that will help prevent fraudsters from taking over the accounts of taxpayers. These include:

  • New password standards to access tax software will require a minimum of 8 characters with upper case, lower case, alpha, numerical and special characters.
  • A new timed lockout feature and limited unsuccessful log-in attempts.
  • The addition of three security questions.

Out-of-band verification for email addresses, which is sending an email or text to the customer with a PIN – a common practice used throughout the financial sector.

The IRS also has teamed up with state revenue departments and the tax industry to make sure you understand the dangers to your personal and financial data. Taxes. Security. Together. Working in partnership with you, we can make a difference.

It’s important that everyone take steps to protect their personal and financial data online and at home. Computer users should always use security software that includes firewall and anti-virus protections. Sensitive information such as tax records should be encrypted if stored on your computer or secured by lock and key if on paper.

To learn additional steps you can take to protect your personal and financial data, visit Taxes. Security. Together. You also can read Publication 4524, Security Awareness for Taxpayers.

For help with any income tax question call one of our offices:

Plymouth 734.454.4100, Allen Park 313.388.7180,

Grayling 989.348.4055,   Livonia 734-462-6161,

Madison Heights 248.544.6160, Royal Oak 248.399.7331,

Saginaw 989.782.1985, or St. Clair Shores 313.371.6600

Tips to Keep Your Tax Records Secure; Protect Yourself from Identity Theft

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If you’re still keeping old tax returns and receipts stuffed in a shoe box stuck in the back of the closet, you might want to rethink that approach.

The IRS has teamed up with state revenue departments and the tax industry to make sure you understand the dangers to your personal and financial data. Taxes. Security. Together. Working in partnership with you, we can make a difference.

You should keep your tax records safe and secure, whether they are stored on paper or kept electronically. The same is true for any financial or health records you store, especially any document bearing Social Security numbers.

You should keep always keep copies of your tax returns and supporting documents for several years to support claims for tax credits and deductions.

Because of the sensitive data, the loss or theft of these documents could lead to identity theft and have an economic impact. These documents contain the Social Security numbers of you, your spouse and dependents, old W-2 income and bank account information. A burglar could easily turn your old shoe box full of documents into a tax-related identity theft crime.

Here are just a few of the easy and practical steps to better protect your tax records:

  • Always retain a copy of your completed federal and state tax returns and their supporting materials. These prior-year returns will help you prepare your next year’s taxes, and receipts will document any credits or deductions you claim should question arise later.
  • If you retain paper records, you should keep them in a secure location, preferably under lock and key, such as a secure desk drawer or a safe.
  • If you retain you records electronically on your computer, you should always have an electronic back-up, in case your hard drive crashes. You should encrypt the files both on your computer and any back-up drives you use. You may have to purchase encryption software to ensure the files’ security.
  • Dispose of old tax records properly. Never toss paper tax returns and supporting documents into the trash. Your federal and state tax records, as well as any financial or health records should be shredded before disposal.
  • If you are disposing of an old computer or back-up hard drive, keep in mind there is sensitive data on these. Deleting stored tax files will not remove them from your computer. You should wipe the drives of any electronic product you trash or sell, including tablets and mobile phones, to ensure you remove all personal data. Again, this may require special disk utility software.

The IRS recommends retaining copies of your tax returns and supporting documents for a minimum of three years to a maximum of seven years. Remember to keep records relating to property you own for three to seven years after the year in which you dispose of the property. Three years is a timeframe that allows you to file amended returns, or if questions arise on your tax return, and seven years is a timeframe that allows filing a claim for adjustment in a case of bad debt deduction or a loss from worthless securities.

To learn additional steps you can take to protect your personal and financial data, visit Taxes. Security. Together. You also can read Publication 4524, Security Awareness for Taxpayers.

For help with any income tax question call one of our offices:

Plymouth 734.454.4100, Allen Park 313.388.7180,

Grayling 989.348.4055,   Livonia 734-462-6161,

Madison Heights 248.544.6160, Royal Oak 248.399.7331,

Saginaw 989.782.1985, or St. Clair Shores 313.371.6600



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The IRS extended the due dates for the 2015 information reporting requirements (both furnishing to individuals and filing with the Internal Revenue Service (Service)) for insurers, self-insuring employers, and certain other providers of minimum essential coverage under section 6055 of the Internal Revenue Code (Code), and the information reporting requirements for applicable large employers under section 6056 of the Code. Specifically, this notice extends the due date (1) for furnishing to individuals the 2015 Form 1095-B, Health Coverage, and the 2015 Form 1095-C, Employer-Provided Health Insurance Offer and Coverage, from February 1, 2016, to March 31, 2016, and (2) for filing with the Service the 2015 Form 1094-B, Transmittal of Health Coverage Information Returns, the 2015 Form 1095-B, Health Coverage, the 2015 Form 1094-C, Transmittal of Employer-Provided Health Insurance Offer and Coverage Information Returns, and the 2015 Form 1095-C, Employer-Provided Health Insurance Offer and Coverage, from February 29, 2016, to May 31, 2016, if not filing electronically, and from March 31, 2016, to June 30, 2016 if filing electronically. This notice also provides guidance to individuals who might not receive a Form 1095-B or Form 1095-C by the time they file their 2015 tax returns.

The Service is prepared to accept filings of the information returns on Forms 1094-B, 1095-B, 1094-C, and 1095-C beginning in January 2016. Following consultation with stakeholders, however, the Department of the Treasury (Treasury) and the Service have determined that some employers, insurers, and other providers of minimum essential coverage need additional time to adapt and implement systems and procedures to gather, analyze, and report this information. Notwithstanding the extensions provided in this notice, employers and other coverage providers are encouraged to furnish statements and file the information returns as soon as they are ready.

For help with any income tax question call one of our offices:

Plymouth 734.454.4100, Allen Park 313.388.7180,

Grayling 989.348.4055,  Livonia 734-462-6161,

Madison Heights 248.544.6160, Royal Oak 248.399.7331,

Saginaw 989.782.1985, or St. Clair Shores 313.371.6600

Protection PIN Letters Have an Incorrect Year Listed!!!!

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If you have had your identity stolen within the IRS system… PAY CLOSE ATTENTION TO THIS NOTICE!!!
You have received a letter giving you an IP PIN number to use on your tax return for 2015. The incorrect YEAR is on the notice. Read below carefully!!!

Taxpayers should be advised the IP PIN listed on the CP 01A Notice dated January 4, 2016 is valid for use on all individual tax returns filed in 2016.

The notice incorrectly indicates the IP PIN issued is to be used for filing the 2014 tax return when the number is actually to be used for the 2015 tax return. The IRS emphasizes the IP PIN listed on the CP 01A notice is valid for the 2015 returns. Taxpayers and their tax professionals should use this PIN number for 2015 tax returns, which the IRS will begin accepting from taxpayers starting Jan. 19, 2016.

The IRS apologizes for the confusion and any inconvenience.

From the IRS FAQ:

When were the CP01A notices mailed?

The notices are all dated January 4, 2016 but were mailed in late December. Taxpayers are receiving these now through mid-January.

What does an IP PIN do?

An IP PIN helps the IRS verify a taxpayer’s identity and accept their electronic or paper tax return. When you have an IP PIN, it prevents someone else from filing a tax return with your SSN.

If a return is e-filed with your SSN and an incorrect or missing IP PIN, our system will reject it until you submit it with the correct IP PIN or you file on paper. If the same conditions occur on a paper filed return, we will delay its processing and any refund you may be due for your protection while we determine if it’s yours.

Does this issue affect anything else involving the IP PIN process?


For help with any income tax question call one of our offices:

Plymouth 734.454.4100, Allen Park 313.388.7180,

Grayling 989.348.4055,   Livonia 734-462-6161,

Madison Heights 248.544.6160, Royal Oak 248.399.7331,

Saginaw 989.782.1985, or St. Clair Shores 313.371.6600

Tips to Protect Your Personal Information While Online

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The IRS, the states and the tax industry urge you to be safe online and remind you to take important steps to help protect your tax and financial information and guard against identity theft. Treat your personal information like cash – don’t hand it out to just anyone.

Your Social Security number, credit card numbers, and bank and utility account numbers can be used to steal your money or open new accounts in your name. Every time you are asked for your personal information think about whether you can really trust the request. In an effort to steal your information, scammers will do everything they can to appear trustworthy.

The IRS has teamed up with state revenue departments and the tax industry to make sure you understand the dangers to your personal and financial data. Taxes. Security. Together. Working in partnership with you, we can make a difference.

Here are some best practices you can follow to protect your tax and financial information:

Give personal information over encrypted websites only. If you’re shopping or banking online, stick to sites that use encryption to protect your information as it travels from your computer to their server. To determine if a website is encrypted, look for “https” at the beginning of the web address (the “s” is for secure). Some websites use encryption only on the sign-in page, but if any part of your session isn’t encrypted, the entire account and your financial information could be vulnerable. Look for https on every page of the site you’re on, not just where you sign in.

Protect your passwords. The longer the password, the tougher it is to crack. Use at least 10 characters; 12 is ideal for most home users. Mix letters, numbers and special characters. Try to be unpredictable – don’t use your name, birthdate or common words. Don’t use the same password for many accounts. If it’s stolen from you – or from one of the companies with which you do business – it can be used to take over all your accounts.

Don’t share passwords on the phone, in texts or by email. Legitimate companies will not send you messages asking for your password. If you get such a message, it’s probably a scam. Keep your passwords in a secure place, out of plain sight.

Don’t assume ads or emails are from reputable companies. Check out companies to find out if they are legitimate. When you’re online, a little research can save you a lot of money and reduce your security risk. If you see an ad or an offer that looks too good, take a moment to check out the company behind it. Type the company or product name into your favorite search engine with terms like “review,” “complaint” or “scam.” If you find bad reviews, you’ll have to decide if the offer is worth the risk. If you can’t find contact information for the company, take your business and your financial information elsewhere. The fact that a site features an ad for another site doesn’t mean that it endorses the advertised site, or is even familiar with it.

Don’t overshare on social media – Do a web search of your name and review the results. Mostly likely, the results while turn up your past addresses, the names of people living in the household as well social media accounts and your photographs. All of these items are valuable to identity thieves. Even a social media post boasting of a new car can help thieves bypass security verification questions that depend on financial data that only you should know. Think before you post!

Back up your files. No system is completely secure. Copy important files and your federal and state tax returns onto a removable disc or a back-up drive, and store it in a safe place. If your computer is compromised, you’ll still have access to your files.

Save your tax returns and records. Your federal and state tax forms are important financial documents you may need for many reasons, ranging from home mortgages to college financial. Print out a copy and keep in a safe place. Make an electronic copy in a safe spot as well. These steps also can help you more easily prepare next year’s tax return. If you store sensitive tax and financial records on your computer, use a file encryption program to add an additional layer of security should your computer be compromised.

To learn additional steps you can take to protect your personal and financial data, visit Taxes. Security. Together. You also can read Publication 4524, Security Awareness for Taxpayers.

For help with any income tax question call one of our offices:

Plymouth 734.454.4100, Allen Park 313.388.7180,

Grayling 989.348.4055,   Livonia 734-462-6161,

Madison Heights 248.544.6160, Royal Oak 248.399.7331,

Saginaw 989.782.1985, or St. Clair Shores 313.371.6600

Tips for Using Credit Bureaus to Help Protect Your Financial Accounts

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If you believe you are a victim of identity theft, you should contact one of the three major credit bureaus to place a “fraud alert” on your credit account.

This critically important step makes it harder for identity thieves to open additional financial accounts, such as a bank account, in your name. This helps prevent identity thieves from directing fraudulent tax refunds into bank accounts they created or opening additional credit cards in your name.

The IRS has teamed up with state revenue departments and the tax industry to make sure you understand the dangers to your personal and financial data. Taxes. Security. Together. Working in partnership with you, we can make a difference.

Contacting a credit bureau if you think you are an identity theft victim can help you in many ways, including helping protect your tax information.

The three main credit bureaus:

If you are an identity theft victim, you need contact only one of the three to request a fraud alert. One bureau must notify the others when a fraud alert is requested. You’ll get a letter from each credit bureau. It will confirm that they placed a fraud alert on your file.

A fraud alert is free, and it lasts for 90 days. You can renew it. It provides a red flag to other businesses where the thieves may be trying to open accounts and legitimate businesses may take additional steps to verify identities.

Three types of fraud alerts are available:

  1. Initial Fraud Alert. If you’re concerned about identity theft, but haven’t yet become a victim, this fraud alert will protect your credit from unverified access for at least 90 days. You may want to place a fraud alert on your file if your wallet, Social Security card, or other personal, financial or account information are lost or stolen.
  2. Extended Fraud Alert. For victims of identity theft, an extended fraud alert will protect your credit for seven years.
  3. Active Duty Military Alert. For those in the military who want to protect their credit while deployed, this fraud alert lasts for one year.

Also, you should get your free credit report right away to ensure identity thieves have not opened additional accounts. Go to annualcreditreport.com, which is operated by the three major bureaus, or call 877-322-8228.

If you want even stronger protections or if you were part of a large-scale data breach, you might consider a “credit freeze” which applies even stronger protections but often times for a fee that varies by state.

A credit freeze, also known as a security freeze, lets you restrict access to your credit report, which in turn makes it difficult for identity thieves to open new accounts in your name. You must contact each of the three credit bureaus to establish a credit freeze.

What’s the difference between a credit freeze and a fraud alert? A credit freeze locks down your credit. A fraud alert allows creditors to get a copy of your credit report as long as they take steps to verify your identity.

After receiving your freeze request, each credit reporting company will send you a confirmation letter containing a unique PIN (personal identification number) or password. Keep the PIN or password in a safe place. You will need it if you choose to lift the freeze.

If you apply for credit, a home mortgage or a job, you will have to temporarily lift the freeze so that the businesses may confirm your credit record. There is a fee for lifting a freeze as well.

To learn additional steps you can take to protect your personal and financial data, visit Taxes. Security. Together. You also can read Publication 4524, Security Awareness for Taxpayers.

For help with any tax question call one of our offices:

Plymouth 734.454.4100, Allen Park 313.388.7180,

Grayling 989.348.4055,   Livonia 734-462-6161,

Madison Heights 248.544.6160, Royal Oak 248.399.7331,

Saginaw 989.782.1985, or St. Clair Shores 313.371.6600


Talk to Your Family about Security Online and at Home

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For families with children and aging parents, it’s important to make sure everyone guards their personal information online and at home.

It may be time for “the conversation.”

The IRS, state revenue departments and the tax industry have teamed up to combat identity theft in the tax arena. Our theme: Taxes. Security. Together. Working in partnership with you, we can make a difference.

Especially in families that use the same computer, students should be warned against turning off any security software in use or opening any suspicious emails. They should be instructed to never click on embedded links or download attachments of emails from unknown sources.

Identity thieves are just one of many predators plying the Internet. And, actions by one computer user could infect the machine for all users. That’s a concern when dealing with personal financial details or tax information.

Kids should be warned against oversharing personal information on social media. But oversharing about home addresses, a new family car or a parent’s new job gives identity thieves a window into an extra bit of information they need to impersonate you.

Aging parents also are prime targets for identity thieves. If they are browsing the Internet, they made need to the same conversation about online security, avoiding spam email schemes and oversharing on social media.

They may also need assistance for someone to routinely review charges to their credit cards, withdrawals from their financial accounts. Unused credit cards should be canceled. An annual review should be made of their credit reports at annualcreditreport.com to ensure no new accounts are being opened by thieves, and reviewing the Social Security Administration account to ensure no excessive income is accruing to their account.

Seniors also are especially vulnerable to scam calls and pressure from fraudsters posing as legitimate organizations, including the Internal Revenue Service, and demanding payment for debts not owed. The IRS will never make threats of lawsuit or jail or demand that a certain payment method, such as a debit card, be made.

Fraudsters will try to trick seniors, telling them they have won a grand prize in a contest or that a relative needs money – anything to persuade a person to give up personal information such as their Social Security number or financial account information.

Some simple steps – and a conversation – can help the young and old avoid identity theft schemes and scammers.

To learn additional steps you can take to protect your personal and financial data, visit Taxes. Security. Together. You also can read Publication 4524, Security Awareness for Taxpayers.

For help with any income tax question call one of our offices:

Plymouth 734.454.4100, Allen Park 313.388.7180,

Grayling 989.348.4055,   Livonia 734-462-6161,

Madison Heights 248.544.6160, Royal Oak 248.399.7331,

Saginaw 989.782.1985, or St. Clair Shores 313.371.6600

Business mileage deduction rate to drop in 2016

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Driving for tax-deductible medical and moving reasons is reduced, too

When we think about tax-related inflation adjustments, we typically expect amounts to bump up, at least a little.

But, as the Federal Reserve made clear when it the first time in almost a decade, inflation has not been a big deal for a while.

So it’s not such a big surprise that the Internal Revenue Service’s annual inflation adjustments for the rates used to figure tax deductible driving looked like some earlier Fed moves: they will drop in 2016.

The lower mileage deduction rates also were expected because the cost of gasoline plays a big role in how they are determined. And as any driver will happily tell you, filling up the tank has gotten a lot less expensive recently.

Business driving deduction drop: In today’s announcement of driving deductions for 2016, the IRS says business driving write-offs next year will be calculated using a rate of 54 cents per mile. That’s down 3.5 cents from 2015’s rate of 57.5 cents per mile.

Similarly, trips taken for deductible medical reasons or to relocate will go down in 2016 from 23 cents per mile to 19 cents per mile.

The standard business mileage rate, explains the IRS, is based on an annual study of the fixed and variable costs of operating an automobile.

The medical and moving rates, on the other hand, are determined by looking at just the variable costs of operating a car.

The biggest fixed automotive cost is the vehicle price. The biggest variable cost is gasoline.

And the role of the variable and sometimes volatile price of gas is obvious in the tax deduction mileage rate changes for the coming year.

AAA says U.S. drivers are paying the lowest average price for regular unleaded gasoline since 2009. In fact, the national average pump price for unleaded is a mere penny away falling under $2 per gallon.

So with the dramatic drop in gasoline prices over the last year, it’s not that surprising that the medical and moving rates will go down more next year, by 17.4 percent, than will the business mileage rate, which will fall by just around 6 percent.

Never a change for charity: As for the miles you can claim next year in connection with travel related to an IRS-qualified charity, that rate will stays at 14 cents.

But that has nothing to do with inflation or gas prices.

The charitable mileage rate is set by law, meaning that it can only be changed by Congressional action.

Keep track of what miles in which year: Remember, too, that the mileage rates that the IRS just released don’t take effect until Jan. 1, 2016.

So if you do any deductible driving between today and Dec. 31, you’ll want to use the 2015 figures to figure your deduction on your taxes that you’ll file next spring.

For help with any income tax question call one of our offices:

Plymouth 734.454.4100, Allen Park 313.388.7180,
Grayling 989.348.4055,  Livonia 734-462-6161,
Madison Heights 248.544.6160, Royal Oak 248.399.7331,
Saginaw 989.782.1985, or St. Clair Shores 313.371.6600